We’ll Beat Your Current Results In 180 Days Or Less…Guaranteed!

What We Are About To Reveal Will Change Your Facebook Ad Performance FOREVER.

To business owners that ACTUALLY want to scale.

If you’re looking for a FAST, effective, and guaranteed way to FINALLY improve your results on Facebook.

And unlock ROI that you didn’t even know was possible.

Then prepare for some exciting news…because this message could be the highlight of your year.

Here’s why:

On Facebook…

Over 2 billion people log in PER DAY

And it’s the #1 social media network in the world.

That being said…

You don’t want to miss out on this huge market of prospects that are ready to throw their money at you.


The Average Conversion Rate On Facebook is 9.21%

If you have been running Facebook ads for any period of time.

You can probably understand…

That when you try to scale a “winning” ad.

Your ROAS drops through the floor.

CPC & CPM skyrocket.

And the ad that was just performing so well.

Is now draining your wallet.

So you pull back on your ad spend to try and be “conservative

And begin to accept that you won’t be able to grow past this point.

Then the long term dream you had about having tons of freedom to spend time with your family and take vacations whenever you want slowly starts to die.

And just like that…

You’re back to square one.


If you feel defeated and don’t think that you can achieve the growth that you have always desired.

Then we’ve got some good news for you.

We are going to reveal the fastest and most certain secret that you can use RIGHT AWAY to change the way you advertise on Facebook…FOREVER.

But first…

Let me ask you a question.

Do you ACTUALLY want to scale?

And FINALLY be able to achieve the






That you’ve always desired.


Here’s My Promise To You

The reason most business owners don’t succeed is because of something called “shiny object syndrome”.

You’re being pulled in a million different directions and you don’t know what to do.

So instead of trying just one of them.

You try all of them…

Should you post in local Facebook groups?

Start a blog? Run ads? Build a new website? Add live chat?


The point I’m trying to make is…

Once you start going down the path of “shiny object syndrome”

… it NEVER ends.

The worst part?

The “shiny objects” are always the most appealing when your business isn’t where you want it to be.

Which not only confuses you, but also your customers.

…And confused customers don’t buy.

That being said…

My promise to you is…

By the time you finish reading this page, you will understand that Facebook ads hold the key to.

…getting all the customers.

…helping all the people.

…making all the money

…buying all the cars

…taking all the vacations

…getting all the awards

And you’ll never have to worry about where your next customer will come from EVER again.

Or loose sleep at night wondering how you're going to cover payroll during the slow season.

Just take a second to imagine what it would feel like to 2x, 3x, or maybe even 5x your sales in the next 180 days.

Your profits would go through the roof.

You’d be able to sleep at night knowing your business is on solid ground.

And you’d finally be able to “flip the switch off” on the weekends and enjoy all of your hard work, living life on your terms.

But if you don’t take action now, then when will you?

Who Are We? And Why Should You Spend A Second Longer Here…?

We’ve been doing this for over 16 years.

In the past 16 years, we have had the amazing opportunity to work with thousands of clients.

Ranging anywhere from Fortune 500 companies to Small Businesses.

And when you spend that much time committed to one specific thing.

You learn a lot.

You learn exactly what works, and exactly what doesn’t work.

We didn’t learn our strategies from one of those online “gurus” that claims to have it all figured out.

Or from the people that made their money *selling* the dream, not actually *doing* it.


Everything we have learned has been from ACTUALLY doing the work.

Which is what took us from a small group of 4, cold-calling strangers from a 1,000sq ft office.

To forming an 8-year long relationship with the Orlando Magic.

(yes - I’m talking about the basketball team)

Who were just valued at $2.95 billion.

That’s billion - with a B

In which we did:

Google Ads


Organic Social Consulting

Graphic Design

Complex analytics set-up to receive data from Ticketmaster

And we even did in-person consulting to help them build a proper marketing department structure.

Or partnering with Western Union.

Which as of January 2024 has a net worth of $4.51 billion

Or developing a long-term relationship with Kleins Tools.

Who has an estimated annual revenue of $550 million.

Or Zaxby’s.

Where the chicken is crispy, salads are optional, and the love for flavor knows no bounds.

Oh…..and they were acquired by Goldman Sachs for $2 billion.

Listen…..we could easily fill up this whole page with big name clients and success stories.

And that’s because we’ve used these exact strategies in just about every industry imaginable.

So yeah, we’ve whipped up the secret sauce that takes a company’s growth - puts rockets behind it - and sends it to the moon.


Do we work with big or small companies?

It depends….

Are you serious about rapidly scaling your business and taking over your market? We can work with you.

Do you understand the value of putting $1 in and getting $5 back? We can work with you.

Do you want a team of world-class marketers and digital strategists that will deliver spine-chilling ROI - all for less than the cost of just one part-time employee per month? We can work with you.

It doesn’t matter if your a big or small company.

We look at how dedicated and committed you are to rapidly scaling your business and operations in the next 180 days.


I know the drill - the late nights and early mornings trying to balance customer demands and business operations..

It’s a common struggle for all service businesses.

Remember…you started this to create freedom and to fulfill your long-term dream of being a successful business owner.

But sometimes, it feels like you're stuck in a never ending cycle.

The harder you work, the more you feel trapped.

The constant feeling of putting in your all, but not seeing any of the growth you imagined.

So you begin to accept that maybe this is as good as it gets.

It’s like being on a treadmill - all effort, no forward motion.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Because the strategies that I am about to reveal to you will…

Deliver Spine-Chilling ROI For YOUR Business

We are a high-value content first firm - which has proven to provide long term benefits for us and our clients.

Our goal is to provide maximum value upfront to help your business grow.

And if you see how we can help you scale without the mess.

Just maybe…you’d consider investing to work with us.

But if you want to apply the strategies on your own, that’s completely fine too.

We’ll be rooting for you.


Making this one simple change to your Facebook ads will 10x your performance.

This secret that we are about to reveal will FINALLY allow you to achieve the

Lower CPC

Lower CPM

Lower CPA

Higher ROI

That you have been looking for this whole time.

So you can make A LOT more money.

And buy a brand new truck…then realize you can do it again the next day.

Or buy a 5 acre lakefront property just to show off to your friends and family.


You get the point.

This Is one of the most essential steps when creating Facebook Ads.

Yet so many business owners and digital marketers get it wrong.


Take a second to look at some of the ads that are on your Facebook feed.

What’s one thing they all have in common?

They all look like ads!

It takes any prospect 2 seconds to instantly know that it's an ad.

Making the first thought in their mind “What’s this guy trying to sell me?”

What’s even worse?

They are usually standing there begging for the prospect's attention.

Or demanding them to.

“Buy today for the best deal”

Or my personal favorite.

“Last chance offer! Buy today so you don’t miss out!”

How do you expect someone to buy from you right away if they have no idea who you are or what you do?

The best billboards in the world grab your attention by using bold fonts, eye catching graphics, and in your face messages.

The best Facebook ads do the exact opposite.

Your ads need to blend seamlessly with the content people are already viewing.

According to a recent study…

Out of all the people on the Facebook, over 50% of them get their news or news headlines on the platform.

Making that category the #1 most consumed and share content on the platform.

So what does this mean for YOU?

Now that you know what the most viewed and shared content on Facebook is, you can now take that information and use it to your advantage when creating ads.


Facebook itself has even done studies showing that the best performing ads have little to no text.

And for a long time, Facebook rejected ads that had more than 20% of text.

Although not enforced anymore, not having any text on your ad is still considered a best practice.

For the text, you want to put it in the description instead of the image.

This one simple trick will give you…

Better news feed placement

Lower CPM

Lower CPC

Lower CPA

And higher ROI.

But we believe in going the extra mile.

So here’s another secret for you

Facebooks Algorithm Is Smarter Than You

When setting the targeting for their ad, one of the biggest mistakes business owners and digital marketers make is…

They make the audience so small and niche.

That the pixel has no good data to choose from.

Which leads to

High CPM

High CPC

High CPA

And it drains your wallet before you even know it.

Instead of going crazy with the targeting and doing this:

  • Must be 36 years old

  • Married with one kid

  • Make over $100k a year

  • Live in Nashville, TN.

Give the algorithm room to work.

Trust me when I say this.

Facebook’s algorithm is much smarter than you.

They know EXACTLY who will buy your services and become loyal customers.

But don’t forget…

It’s important to set the area in which you serve.

Because obviously…

You shouldn’t be advertising in Tennessee if you are located in Wisconsin.


I know… it sounds like a lot of work… and that’s because it is.

But nothing worth having comes easy.

If you want to see everything we do to RAPIDLY scale your service business using Facebook ads…

Then we’ve got some good news for you.

By claiming your FREE 45-minute competitor analysis.

We will reveal to you the 5 jaw-dropping secrets behind your competitors’ success.

PLUS, exact strategies how to beat them using Facebook Ads - in 180 days or less - guaranteed!

But don’t wait.

Because FREE spots for this month are filling up fast.

We know you have already tried Facebook Ads yourself.

Or have hired another company to do it for you.

Which they probably promised the world to you.

And then just left you with more excuses than they did results.

So if you have failed to grow your business as fast as you want, it’s not your fault.

Because let’s be honest, there is a lot of bad information out there and it can be very confusing.

The one thing that keeps you from your goals more than anything else is the wrong information.

*Imagine* - running full speed in the wrong direction.

And to top it all off.

You have to find, recruit, train, and motivate staff.

Deal with material and fuel price increases.

Negotiate price and changes with customers.

Repair and maintain equipment.

AND find the time to complete all the admin tasks in the office.


If you think that you can’t or will never be able to grow your business as fast as you want and FINALLY be able to achieve the






That you have always desired.

We are here to tell you - that’s BS.

In fact, it's never been easier than now to do so.

You just have to have the RIGHT PARTNER.

Having the RIGHT PARTNER matters more than anything.

If you have the right partner, everything else will work out for you.

But if you don’t, you’ll just keep hopping around from partner to partner wondering why everything is going wrong.

Bottom line…

You just need to have the right partner.

When that happens you will ALWAYS be able to get as many customers as you please no matter the circumstances.

But if you don’t act now, then when will you?

That being said…

We have an offer for YOU.

Do You Think You Can Be Successful?

We’ll Beat Your Current Results In 180 Days Or Less…Guaranteed!

There’s no worse feeling than being burned by an advertising agency after throwing them thousands of dollars.

It makes you feel sick to your stomach when you think about it.

And you lose all trust for any other company trying to help you.

The reason we know how it feels is because it's happened to us before.

And after it happened, we made the promise to never make anyone we work with feel like that…EVER.


Instead of wasting our time and resources to try and convince you we are different.

For a LIMITED TIME, we have decided to risk our OWN money to SHOW you that we are different.

If you qualify…because this offer isn’t for everybody.

But we’ll get into that in a second.


We call this our 110% ‘Call Me Crazy’ GUARANTEE

It is a guaranteed way to improve your current results in 180 days or less - or we work for free.

More importantly…

We only guarantee one thing…SALES.

Because unlike other agencies that only focus on certain metrics like website traffic, CTR, or CPC.

The only thing that TRULY matters is how much money ends up in your pocket.

Because the last time I checked.

You aren’t able to deposit website traffic into the bank.

Or use it to cover payroll during the slow season.

Or take you and your family to a high-end steak dinner.

But if we aren’t able to deliver on the guarantee (very unlikely), you don’t pay a single cent.

- No set up fees

- No management fees

- No software fees

- No development fees



If you’re reading this right now AND you qualify - we still have a couple spots left for this once in a lifetime guarantee.

Additionally, for all new clients, we are offering a FREE 45-minute competitor analysis.

During this meeting…

We will reveal to you the 5 jaw-dropping secrets behind your competitors’ success.

PLUS, exact strategies how to beat them using Facebook Ads - in 180 days or less - guaranteed!

Trust me when I say this.

This isn’t just another one of those “competitor analysis” that takes 10 minutes to throw together and doesn’t provide any true value.

Don’t believe me?

You can find out what is included by clicking below.

And don’t wait.

Because spots are filling up fast.

Do You Qualify For This Limited Time Guarantee?

Are you interested in putting us to the test?

If so, good, we can’t wait to meet you.

But this offer isn’t for everybody.

There are 3 important factors that you must have before you think about applying for this opportunity.

  1. You must already be running ads on Facebook AND be spending at least $2,500 per month. This guarantee is not available to new businesses or businesses that have not started advertising on Facebook. (We are still able to help new businesses or businesses that have not started advertising on Facebook, it just isn’t part of our guaranteed program).

  2. You must be willing to let us create ads that WE think will sell. We have been doing this for over 16 years and we know exactly what works and what doesn’t. Also, since we are risking our own money, we need to have full control over the ad creation process (except for getting your approval of the ad) or we can’t guarantee results.

  3. Your business cannot be doing anything even the slightest bit shady. We will not engage in underhanded marketing techniques and we will not work with a business involved in any activities that we consider morally questionable, or that may exploit anyone.


Are you still interested?

Do you meet the requirements above?

If so…

Book your FREE 45-minute competitor analysis to see if we would be a good fit together.

We know our stuff works.

That’s why we’re only looking for businesses that ACTUALLY want to scale.

And to make it as risk-free as we possibly can.

If we can’t generate results for your business, we don’t make money.

Sound fair?


If you are still skeptical about this - let me ask you this question.

Would you rather continue to work 80 hours a week, deal with the constant stress and uncertainty, and constantly wonder where your next customer will come from?

Or is it worth spending 45 minutes of your time to discover how we can rapidly grow your business in the next 180 days? Completely risk-free!

If yes, then claim your FREE spot below.

And don’t wait

Because we are only taking 10 new clients a month with this offer.

Can’t wait to meet you.

Why Are We Holding Nothing Back?